Definitions / Concepts

Definitions / Concepts

First, some definitions:

Agency – A customer or entity using answering services.

Account – A single site/profile of schedules, greetings, menus, and agent groups. An agency must have at least 1 account/site.

Agent/Urgent Box – A representative of the agency who can be set on-call and added to one or more Agent Groups.

Agent On-Call – The agent who is actively on-call in a particular group. It is possible for an agent to be on-call in one group, and not on-call in another.

Agent Group – A set of agents within an Account. Only one agent can be on-call at a time within a single group. An agent can be a member of multiple groups.

Caller – A person calling the agency while answering services are enabled. This would be a patient, customer, etc dialing into the Forwarding Line.

Non-Urgent Box – A message box for callers to leave messages to be checked by the agency as-needed. Can be checked by one or more agents. May have email reminders enabled.

InstaConnect – A feature that gives the caller the ability to patch directly to the Agent On-Call.

DISA Line - The line your agents/admins call into to check boxes, set on-call, and enable greetings.

Spoofing Line - The line that shows up to callers when the Agent calls the caller back. 


The concept:

  • Traditional Setup - In a traditional setup for an Answering Service, you have the following Call Flow:
    • Caller calls doctor's office # after-hours.
    • Doctor's phone system forwards the call to the Office Forwarding Line with PrimeVOX.
    • Office Forwarding Line voice destination is set to AnswerCARE Answering Service.
    • The Active Greeting for the particular Account is played to the caller.
    • The caller makes a selection, to go to another menu, an on-call group, an urgent box, etc.
    • After the caller leaves their message, the Agent is notified, per your settings, that an urgent message is waiting. 


The requirements:

  • Exactly ONE phone number on the container (PBX phone system) must have the following features enabled:
    • Call Flow > Voice Destination set to an AnswerCARE DISA Access Line
    • Advanced > Answering Service DISA is Enabled/Checked
  • Each customer needs their own dedicated Office Forwarding Line so their office can forward calls to PrimeVOX, going to their specific Agency > Account.
    • This is only needed if the customer is not a normal phone system customer of PrimeVOX. If the customer is already using the PrimeVOX phone system, you don't need a dedicated line for forwarding.
  • Each customer needs their Spoofing Line set up - Simply add their main offline line to Call Routing > Inbound and that will work. It does not need a destination.
    • This is only needed if the customer is not a normal phone system customer of PrimeVOX. If the customer is already using the PrimeVOX phone system, their "spoofing line" is already ported/inside the PrimeVOX phone system.


How CallerID Shows Up:

  • When a notification is sent to the On-Call Contacts (primary and backup on-call doctors), the phone number being used as the AnswerCARE DISA Access Line will show up to the doctor. The AnswerCARE DISA Access Line will be their central point of checking messages, receiving notifications, etc.
  • When a doctor calls a patient through the answering system (by pushing option 0 on a message), the phone number being used as the Account's Spoofing Line will be used.
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