PBX Admin Template & Device Settings Management

PBX Admin Template & Device Settings Management


Devices are entered and stored in the Provisioning section of the Extensions Tab in the PBX. Devices can be added either individually or by bulk import.

Device Settings vs Templates:

A template is used if adding multiple devices needing the same device settings. The device settings can be changed on individual devices instead of, or in addition to, using a template in the event that customized settings are required.

Individual Device Settings will override a Template assigned to the specific device if the same programmable key or configuration has been modified on a that device.

Trouble Shooting Tips:

If a device’s individual settings are conflicting with a Template, removing the configuration or programmable key to "None" on the device itself will allow the template to take over again.

Creating a Template:

In the Provisioning section of the Extensions Tab and click the green button on the right of the screen in the Template section that says, “Add Template”.


Select the Hardware Type from the drop down, name the Template and click "Submit"


Once created, submit the template before editing any settings. Return to the Template section and “Modify” the template you just created.

Under the “Line Keys” section, you can add BLF’s or Busy Lamp Fields, Lines, Call Park slots, Voicemail Monitors and more from the drop down.


Under the DNS Time Zone & NTP Preferred Data Center section, select a Timezone from the drop down as the Auto Detect feature does not work as it pulls the Timezone of the server and not the phone.


Under the Phone Operations section, switch “Use TCP” to On.


Submit your changes and “Apply All” to make your changes go live.

Adding a Device:

In the Provisioning section of the Extensions Tab, click the blue button on the left of the screen that says, “Add Device”.


Select the Device, Template (If applicable), and SIP account from the drop down. Enter the MAC address of the device unless you are adding a Cloud Softphone then leave it blank.


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