Queue Features & Troubleshooting

Queue Features & Troubleshooting

Queue Overview 

Queues allow callers to stack up in order until an agent becomes available to take the call. Calls in a queue can be set to ring agent’s extensions in a variety of different ring strategies and is especially useful for businesses with a large inbound call volume. 

Queues primarily consist of: 

  • Incoming calls being placed in the queue. 
  • Members that answer the queue (extensions/agents) 
  • A strategy for how to distribute callers in the queue. 
  • On-Hold Music and announcements played while callers wait (Optional/custom) 
  • A failover destination for the caller if the queue times out 

Customization & Advanced Queue Features 

Queue Order – Rings Extensions/Agents in the order specified. 

CallerID Prefix – Lets Agents know what inbound queue the caller is calling into. For example, for a Customer Service Queue, with a Caller ID Prefix applied, the Caller ID would display “CS: XXX-XXX-XXXX” letting the Agent know that the call is customer service related. 

Ring Time Failover – By default, queues ring in a loop through each agent infinitely however, with a Ring Time Failover, calls can be routed to a default failover destination after a certain amount of time such as a voicemailbox, another queue, et cetera. 

Autopause Agents – Log's agents out of the queue after they miss the opportunity to answer a call. 

Skip Busy Agents – The Agent’s phone will not ring for any new inbound calls until their existing call is complete. This saves the caller wait time but skips frontline or skill-based agents if they are on a call.  

Record Calls – Record Calls that come into the queue. Call recordings are available in the CDR and UCP Call History. (Recording is a paid feature) 

Wrap-up Time – The Amount of time after the call to wait until sending new calls to an agent. Allows agents time to type notes into the CRM. 

Ring Duration – The amount of time an agent will ring in the queue. Note: With a Ring All strategy, this is how long the queue will ring. 

Ring Strategies: 

  • Ring All (Rings All Agents) 
  • Least Recent (Rings the least recently called agent) 
  • Fewest Calls (Ring the agent with the fewest calls since last reset) 
  • Random (Ring random agents; statistically, an even spread) 
  • Ordered (Ring agents in the order defined) 
  • Round Robin w/Memory (Rings the agents in order, remembering who was dialed the last loop) 

Ring Types: 

  • Always play hold music instead of ringing (The caller will hear hold music until the call is picked up by an agent)  
  • Music while waiting, ring when ringing agent (The caller hears hold music then a ring before the agent picks up) 
  • Always ring instead of hold music (The caller hears ringing during the queue hold until an agent picks up the call) 

Music on Hold – The music on hold album to use for callers in the queue. 

Periodic Announcements – Interval of seconds between periodic announcements. 

Press 1 Destination – An option for callers to press a digit on their keypad to exit out to another area, like an IVR Menu or Voicemail. Example: With the Press 1 Destination set to a voicemail box, the caller can press 1 to leave the queue and leave a voicemail for a callback. 

Common Queue Troubleshooting Steps: 

  1. My phone is not ringing, or I cannot take queue calls. 
  2. Check to make sure your device is online. If your device is offline due to a drop in internet connection, your phone will not ring any inbound calls from the queue. As soon as internet connection has been restored, simply reboot your phone by unplugging the power cable for about ten seconds and then plugging it back in. Once the phone has been rebooted, make sure you have a dial tone and log back into the queue (If applicable). 
  3. Check the ring volume of your phone. 
  4. Ensure your phone is not on DND (Do not disturb) 
  5. Check with others in the call queue. If your queue team is sufficiently large, it may be longer for the queue to reach you. 
  6. Make sure you are logged in to the Queue by pressing the login button on your device. When logged in, your BLF Button will show a Red LED. When logged out, your BLF Button will show a Green LED. 
  7. Make a test call to the queue and note if your call is successful to others in the queue. 
  8. My phone keeps logging me out of the queue. 
  9. Check the ringer of your phone and DND setting. If you are not answering calls and autopause is enabled, you may be getting logged out of the queue. 
  10. Check your internet connection with others on site. If you briefly lost internet connection when a call came in, you may be logged out of the queue. 
  11. My phone logged me into a queue while I was away. 
  12. Check with others on site to see if your phone was used. 
  13. My phone is not ringing while others are.  
  14. Check your queue strategy. 
  15. Check your wrap-up time.

After troubleshooting, if you are still having any issues or questions, please do not hesitate to contact PrimeVOX support at 888-907-1287 or support@primevox.net. 

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