Step 1: Create a Customer
Go to the Customers tab at the top, and add a new Customer to your account. A "Customer" is what was previously referred to as a "Tenant" on the legacy platform. Each Customer is unique and self-contained: customers cannot dial each other's extensions, listen to each other's voicemails, or access each other's data.
Step 2: Create a Site For Your Customer
1. Go to PBX Admin > Sites
2. Use the yellow button in the top-right corner, called "Switch Customer / Site" to switch to your newly created Customer.
3. Create a Site. If the customer only has 1 site (location) in the real world, you can call it their HQ or their Default Site or whatever you want. Make sure you set the correct Timezone for the customer's site, as this is used for voicemail notifications.
Step 2: Assign/Purchase Phone Numbers
Go to Phone Numbers > Manage. This is a list of all the phone numbers you own, and allows you to manage where they are routed. Phone Numbers are routed to a specific Site within a customer. This is why you had to create a Site first, before assigning phone numbers.
Your customer will need at least 1 phone number for Forwarding and Access. This is the number that your customer will use to forward their phones after-hours into the Qvara system.
Your customer will need at least 1 phone number for
Spoofing. This is their "real" office phone number, the one that shows up to patients when the doctor calls them back. This must be added by a Qvara/Primevox technician. Please submit a ticket to to add spoofing lines to a particular customer. (Notice: The "Spoofing Authorization" field you see when editing a number has nothing to do with the answering service - leave this field alone).
Step 3: Assign E911 to the Forwarding/Access Line
Every Customer must have an E911 address on file, in case 911 gets accidentally dialed and additionally to satisfy a number of different government/FCC regulations. A Customer only needs 1 E911 address, even if they have more than 1 site. Sites and E911 addresses are unrelated.
1. Go to Phone Numbers > Manage
2. Find their Forwarding/Access Line and click Edit
3. Click the E911/Emergency tab
4. Add the customer's real-world office address.
Step 4: Set Up Voicemail Boxes (Urgent and Non-Urgent boxes)
Voicemail boxes, or "Extensions" in the Qvara platform, hold voicemails and are responsible for notifying recipients of new messages.
1. Go to PBX Admin > Extensions & Devices > Extensions
2. Use the yellow button in the top-right corner, called "Switch Customer / Site" to switch to your newly created Customer, if you're looking at the wrong customer.
3. Create a new Extension. You will want its CallerID to be the Spoofing Line, so patients see the office spoofing line instead of the E911/Access/Forwarding line.
4. Give it an Extension Number (also called a Box Number). This allows your doctors and accessors to identify their own boxes.
5. Go to the Voicemail tab. Here, you can set various settings for how their box should behave.
6. In the One-Time Notification section, you can set up people who receive non-urgent notifications. These notifications are sent once.
7. In the Multiple Notification section, you set up the people who receive recurring (or "urgent") notifications.
In Qvara, the only real difference between a Non-Urgent and Urgent box is the use of the notifications system. If an extension only has one-time recipients, that is considered "non-urgent" because the system is not urgently trying to get ahold of the doctor.
Step 5: Set Up an On-Call Group
In Qvara, an on-call group is called a Multi-Way Toggle. The word "toggle" indicates state, which means a call that reaches the toggle can only go to 1 place, the "active destination" of the toggle.
1. Go to PBX Admin > Call Flow > Toggles: Multiway
2. Use the yellow button in the top-right corner, called "Switch Customer / Site" to switch to your newly created Customer, if you're looking at the wrong customer.
3. Create a new Multi-Toggle, naming it "On Call Group" or whatever you want
4. If you want users to be able to dial in and make changes to the toggle (the current on-call destination) then give it an Extension #. Hit Submit.
5. Down below, add urgent boxes (extensions with Multiple Notifications configured) as Multiway Toggle Destinations.
- A Multiway toggle destination has "Activation Digits" which are optional. This is used if you want users to be able to dial into the system and change the current on-call destination.
After you have added all of your extensions to the multi-way toggle, you will notice that only 1 of them is Active. This is the current extension set "on call" - callers that are sent to this Multiway Toggle will be sent to the active destination. The active destination can be set by users who dial into the system (as long as the Multiway Toggle and all of its destinations have Extension #s defined), or through our mobile app or web portal.
Step 6: Set up an On-Call Schedule (Automations)
In order to have the system automatically change the current doctor on-call (changing the active destination of the Multiway Toggle) you need to set up an Automation to do this.
1. Go to PBX Admin > Call Control Apps > Automations
2. Use the yellow button in the top-right corner, called "Switch Customer / Site" to switch to your newly created Customer, if you're looking at the wrong customer.
3. Create a new Automation - Name it something clear, since this single automation will be responsible for setting a single person on-call.
4. When editing the Automation, click on Actions to create the actions that must occur when the automation runs.
5. Click "Add Automation Action"
6. Set the Name of this action to "Set {whoever} On Call"
7. Set the Action Type to "Change the active destination of a multiway toggle"
8. Find the particular Multiway Toggle you just created in Step 5.
9. Set which Extension should be marked On-Call when this automation runs.
10. Save your new Action, then navigate back to editing the Automation itself.
11a. If you want to set this person on-call only once, and you know the exact date and time they want to be on-call, click on One-Time Runs and add it.
11b. If you want to set this person on-call on a recurring basis, click on Recurring Runs.
12. At this point, your new automation will begin running according to the One-Time/Recurring schedule you've set up.
13. Create more automations for more extensions in the on-call group.
Step 7: Set Up a Greeting (IVR Menu)
1. Go to PBX Admin > Settings & Security > Recordings
2. Use the yellow button in the top-right corner, called "Switch Customer / Site" to switch to your newly created Customer, if you're looking at the wrong customer.
3. Click Create Recording. Giving the recording a Name is required.
4. When editing the recording, submit a WAV file. Without audio, your recording will sound like silence.
5. Go to PBX Admin > Call Flow > IVR Menus
6. Create an IVR Menu (a name is required)
7. Set the "Recording to Play" dropdown to your newly created Recording. This is what callers will hear when they get to this IVR Menu.
8. Make sure to hit Submit after setting various things in the "top section" of the page.
9. Add some IVR Options down below - These should match the options you are giving the caller.
- If the option you set up needs to go to an On-Call Group, then set the destination to a Multi-Way Toggle.
- If the option you set up needs to go a specific doctor, set the destination to a Voicemail Box.
- If the option you set up needs to go to a specific non-urgent box (basic voicemail) set the destination to a Voicemail Box.
10. Add another IVR Option, a hidden option, for your doctors/users to dial in and access their voicemail system. The destination for this would be the "Remote Voicemail Check" destination.
Step 8: Link the Access/Forwarding Line to the Greeting
At this point, you have a basic on-call system set up with some urgent/non-urgent boxes, an on-call group with a schedule for changing the active on-call doctor, and you have a greeting that will route patients to their appropriate destinations and simultaneously allow your doctors/users to access their own voicemail boxes.
1. Go to PBX Admin > Phone Numbers
2. Edit the Forwarding / Access Line
3. Go to the Call Flow tab
4. Set the Usage to Voice Only, and point it to your newly created IVR Menu.
Step 9: Test Your Work
Once you're all done, click Apply Changes in the top-right corner. Wait about 15 seconds, then call into the Forwarding/Access Line. You should hear the greeting that patients will hear after-hours. Push options to go to the various menu items, including the secret option to access the voicemail system.