Understanding Caller ID

Understanding Caller ID



How is Caller ID Determined?

Caller ID is updated by telephone service providers and maintained by third-party CNAM (Calling NAMe) database providers.

Unfortunately, there is no standard or governing body regulating these CNAM providers so Caller ID information can be varied, outdated, or missing. For this reason, your Caller ID can display inconsistently and be a bit challenging to control.


How do I Check & Manage my caller ID?

You can look up your number and see how your Caller ID is currently being displayed by visiting https://calleridtest.com.

If you would like to update your Caller ID, contact our support team at support@primevox.net with the phone number and updated Caller ID information you would like displayed.

Note: Your Caller ID must be limited to 15 characters including spaces. Additionally, Caller ID requests can take from 5-7 business days or longer to be updated across all CNAM providers.


Caller ID and Cell Phones

Most cellular providers do not support Caller ID and strip a number of its Caller ID before connecting the call. Smartphones try to make up for this dilemma by searching through their own files to see if they can find a name or company that matches the incoming phone number.



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