Toggle-Based Routing

Toggle-Based Routing

What is a Toggle?

A Toggle acts as a switch that allows a user to send calls to 1 of 2 destinations, depending on if the toggle is turned on (indicated by a RED light) or off (indicated by a GREEN light).

Examples of Toggle uses:

Simple Toggle: Company ABC has set up their office to only receive calls during their normal business hours. Outside of those hours, calls are sent directly to voicemail. Occasionally, they find themselves needing to close the office early. They added a Toggle that forces calls to voicemail when turned ON regardless of the schedule. They engage this Toggle on the days they choose to close early and turn it OFF the next morning.

Series of Toggles: Company XYZ has three employees (Amanda, Betty, and Chris) who answer phones during the day. Depending on their schedule, one of them will be “on call” overnight. Their phone system has a designated Toggle for each employee.

Betty is “on call” on Tuesday nights. At closing time on Tuesdays, she will turn her Toggle ON, which allows her specific extension to continue to receive phone calls outside of normal business hours. Neither Amanda nor Chris will receive calls during this time. Wednesday mornings, she will turn the toggle OFF to resume normal call flow.

Creating a Simple Toggle-Based Route:

Log into your Phone System Administration portal. From the menu on left, navigate to the Toggle/Nightmode section of the Call Routing dropdown.


This will open the Toggle section. Click the colorful “Add Toggle” button at the bottom left of the screen.


This will take you to the Toggle creation section. Give the Toggle an extension number (we recommend starting the Toggle extension number with 5) and name. Add your ON and OFF destinations, then click “Submit.”

Creating a Series of Toggle-Based Routes:

Follow the steps above for each of the Toggles you wish to create. Create the last Toggle in the series first, to avoid backtracking.

The OFF destination of the last toggle in the series should point to wherever calls go whenever all toggles are off. For all the other toggles, the OFF position should flow to the next toggle. See example picture below.


Note how the OFF position of Toggle 1 points to Toggle 2, which leads to Toggle 3.

Inserting a Toggle in your call flow:

A Toggle can be placed nearly anywhere in your call flow, depending on the reason for it’s use. Below are three most common placements of a Toggle:

  • In front of a Schedule – to bypass set hours in the event you need to open early or close later than usual.
  • In place of a Schedule – for offices that do not wish to have a set schedule of phone activity.
  • As an option for an IVR – to send calls to different persons depending on if the toggle is engaged or not based on a schedule that may change frequently.

Adding a Toggle to a Desk Phone:

Log into your Phone System Administration portal. From the menu on left, navigate to the Provisioning section of the Extension dropdown.


For template level changes (changes that affect more than one device), scroll to the template section, and select “modify” to the template you would like to change.

If you do not use templates for your devices, or you wish to change a single device without altering all of them, simply scroll further down to the device you wish to use and select “Device Settings”




This will bring us the Template or Device editor screen.


From the Line Keys section, chose the preferred line key to assign to your Toggle.  (1) Select “Busy Lamp Field” from the dropdown. (2) Choose your toggle (it will be listed under “Night Mode”) and (3) label it how you like it to appear on your device. Once complete click “Submit.”

Adding a Toggle to Cloud Softphone:

To add a Toggle to the Cloud Softphone application, navigate to the Quickdial tab and add a Quickdial. Title the Quickdial, enter the phone number as *49xxx (xxx being the extension number of the Toggle), and enable the Busy Lamp Field option. Click "Save" when done.


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